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Quetta - Suicide Bombing | Suicide Bombing - Quetta | Pakistan Breaking News | Editorial - Dispatch Press Images

Dispatch Press Images

Quetta - Suicide Bombing | Suicide Bombing - Quetta | Pakistan Breaking News | Editorial

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    Ref. #:
    License type:
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    Date taken:
    Unknown Date
    Date added:
    September 3, 2010
    © Muhammad Ramzan/Dispatch Press Images
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    File size / dimensions / dpi:
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    quetta, pakistan, suicide bombing, religious minorities, shiites
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Quetta - Suicide Bombing

Quetta, Pakistan - Unknown Date:

Suicide bombings targeting religious minorities killed at least 64 people including AAJ News driver in Quetta. One hundred and sixty people were wounded and several were in critical condition on Friday.

Quetta - Suicide Bombing